
Sitecore Development Azure VM Setup – A Scripted Approach

In this episode, we will be using Azure PowerShell, Chocolatey, the Sitecore Installation Framework to set up a virtual machine. This post is not an end-to-end tutorial but points out some of the main concepts needed to get there. A full implementation can be found in my Azure Virtual Machine for Sitecore Development repository on […]


Create an Azure VM with ports actually working via Azure PowerShell

Ever spun up an Azure virtual machine just to realize it doesn’t have the right ports open? Then, after 30 minutes of rolling your face on the keyboard, updating, restarting, and punching your monitor, it still doesn’t work? Just do it with Azure PowerShell.


Get a list of Azure Resources and their Sizes

You are probably here because you have painstakingly clicked on every single Azure resource in the portal to view it’s size. Using Azure PowerShell, your pain is finally over! To pull a list of all the VM’s and their respective sizes: