Author: Greg Coffman
OneTrust blocking your YouTube Videos
Love them or hate them, consent banners are everywhere! Some are opt-in while others are using the opt-out model. Much of the time, it is not clear what you are toggling on and off unless you spend 30 minutes reading all of the legalese. Some of you might be into that. No judgement here. I…
Greg’s Development Machine Applications
I recently changed organizations. In an effort to make life easier in setting up my new machine, I documented the software I used most frequently. Incidentally, the list was quite long! Primary Software 7 Zip Adobe Creative Suite Acrobat Animate Illustrator Photoshop Audacity Azure Explorer Beyond Compare Brave Chrome Checkbot extension Dark Reader extension EditThisCookie…
Sitecore Learning Resources
As a new Sitecore digital marketer or developer, learning the the do’s and don’ts can be daunting. This article contains several paid and free resources available to you. Certification and Official Training – Mostly Paid Sitecore Training – Official training and certifications. Self-paced digital learning and instructor-led training are available for marketers, content editors, and…
Copy Permissions Using Sitecore PowerShell Extensions
In this module, we replicate permissions from one portion of the Sitecore tree to another. Additionally, these permissions can be applied to a different role. To provide contextual examples, we will be using a fictional company, Rhombic Networks. TLDR: Copy Permissions.ps1 and the Sitecore package of this SPE module can be found on GitHub.…
Sitecore Role and Workflow Strategy: Part Two
This post is a continuation of my two-part series on role and workflow strategy. To read about role strategy, please read part one. In this post, we will discuss a few ways to optimize your workflow to save potentially hours of your life. If you are unfamiliar with states, commands, and actions in a workflow,…
Sitecore Role and Workflow Strategy: Part One
In this series, we will discuss role configuration and how to create a simple, optimized workflow. Rhombic Networks Rhombic Networks has 10 individuals that make up the content team – 1 content manager, 4 editors, and 5 contractors. Anne is the content manager and is responsible for validating the quality of the content and publishing…
Basic Web Performance Strategies
This is a continuation of my series on site performance. If your organization is struggling with alignment on “site speed,” consider reading Speed first. Rhombic Networks In an uncomfortably hot conference room, not so far away, there is a technical team brainstorming strategies for improving their web performance. Their existing on-premise servers seem to handle…
Oh, that unicorn so many teams chase. Everyone and their mom has told you site speed matters. Your boss told you page speed is the single most important metric and anything reducing page load takes priority over other features. In fact, the monitor in front of the CMO’s office shows a grim red line indicating…
Sitecore 9 Certificates – Where do I update all those thumbprints?
While it’s a quick change, there are a number of places thumbprints will need to be updated across a scaled environment. Hopefully, this list helps keep your forehead from making contact with your keyboard today.
Sitecore Development Azure VM Setup – A Scripted Approach
In this episode, we will be using Azure PowerShell, Chocolatey, the Sitecore Installation Framework to set up a virtual machine. This post is not an end-to-end tutorial but points out some of the main concepts needed to get there. A full implementation can be found in my Azure Virtual Machine for Sitecore Development repository on…